Sunday, April 10, 2011

Signs of Spring

This photo essay came about because of birds – bird songs to be specific.  I had been inside cleaning for two days and on the third I heard the birds singing all morning.  Prior to going on spring break I knew I wanted to go and take photographs of . . . something, but I hadn’t an idea of what that something would be.  After hearing the birds I decided to go out with my camera and take pictures of whatever caught my interest.  After initially following the birds and their calls I started to notice the change happening in the trees and came to the conclusion that I would look for the different signs of spring.

The typical signs revealed themselves immediately– the warm sun melting snow away, people clothed in lighter wear engaging in physical activity outdoors, plants budding and turning green – but what ensued for me was not simply capturing these signs.  As I walked around my neighborhood I began to contemplate what the less apparent signs of spring would be.  It became a meditation on what spring entails, both in beauty and in loss, for spring is not summer.  It is not bountiful warmth and ample leisure.  It is violent.  It is a struggle of life against barren death; both the failure and victory of rebirth.  As I wandered around, spring became more nuanced, multifaceted, and meaningful.  It became the joy of witnessing the optimism and promise of springtime.  

I hope you enjoy this snapshot of spring - M

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