Sunday, February 21, 2010

German Treats

As usual, we're very behind on blog posts.  It's nearly March and we've only just finished blogging about December.  Life from the last two months as well as a few big trip... Berlin, Stuttgard and Cologne, and now Frankfurt will make it up... eventually.  In the meantime, enjoy this filler post about randomosity!

Actually, it's not that random.  The two of us are rather fixated on food...


As you can imagine, things are just slightly different in the German grocery stores.  Definitely lots of different brands and different packaging.  Sometimes we find some very amusing things.

Sliced cheeses and cold cuts are very popular and very common for light breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Admittedly, we have bread and cheese with the occasional cold cuts nearly every day.  We were very amused when we found this...


They had cold cuts shaped like other animals, too.  To me, this goes against the normal German aversion to "non-natural" foods...  Anyway, we didn't buy any.

This next product also piqued our interest.

I think the idea was supposed to be some sort of frozen apple crisp/apple pie ice cream.  A German version of mochi ice cream?  So the vanilla ice cream ball was rolled in crunchy flakey stuff you'd get with an apple crisp.  The very center had apple filling.  The concept was good -- the actual product, no so much.

Lastly, one of the things that we've learned to wean ourselves from is snack-y foods.  Sometimes, though, you can't help but crave popcorn.  After searching long and hard, we finally found microwavable popcorn.  

So, not exactly Orville Redenbacher, but it works and tastes like popcorn.  The container is a cardboard box that fills as the corn inside pops.  You pull the tabs so that the box becomes upright.  Then it looks like this.

To be honest, the packaging really confused us at first.  In the end though we were thoroughly entertained.  It's almost like having a popcorn carton from a movie theater in the comfort of your own home.  Success!

Anyway, it's my goal to have a post about Berlin up later this week, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. i love you for posting. :-) I assume the bear-shaped meat is supposed to be bears, but they look like... pandas? although asians have just as strange food if you look hard enough...

    It'd be really cool if we had a good-tasting version of the apple crisp. Maybe if you visit, we'll see what we can do? I'm thinking it might involve magical silicone molds and melt-y ice cream refrozen solid, perhaps with a warm apple-crumble streudel topping/sauce?

    p.s. i think there should be more photos of the missus. not that mike isn't pleasing to the eye, but i miss vicki too.
