Saturday, December 4, 2010

Salutations from Mike...

Well, we’re married, we’re working, and we’re in the US.   And, we’re finally settling into a routine – or so we hope.  As we’ve said before, we do want to continue this weblog that chronicles our thoughts, feelings, and adventures as we share our life (and as we share our life together).  Due to the nature of our profession, we probably won’t be sharing much of our professional life (aside from occasional 500 person concerts), but we do want to share and write about our passions.  As you will see soon enough, much of that is about food.  Cooking, eating, sharing, whatever.  Our hope is that we will be able to share these experiences both in person and vicariously with as many of you as possible.  Salut!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen you had done new articles, it's a bit late but maybe tomorrow, i'll read the three of them !! Just a short "hello" for tonight !
