Sunday, December 6, 2009

Scenes from the back yard

Something's cooking at the Waldorf School...

Oh no! Fiver has had a vision! What has he seen?

It's never good when a rabbit has a vision! We're all doomed! May El-ahrairah save us!

Don't be such a fear monger, Holly. You say that every time Fiver has a vision.

We're doomed! We're doomed! Take shelter. May El-ahrairah take pity on us all!!

Calm down. Fiver says it's not bad. It's just an event at the Waldorf School.

I don't care. I'm going to hiding. Down into the bunkers!

I bring word from the god El-ahrairah! Go to the Waldorf School! Go to the Bazaar!

What? This cannot be! A message from the great El-ahrairah? You lie!

No, it is you who lie, Holly! You're a blasphemer, a thief, and a philanderer! You steal the treasures from the men and women of Watership Down! Capture him!

Nooooooooooooooo! I'm doooooooooooooooooomed!

Yes, yes you are. Be gone from our lands forever. And to all others: Go to the Bazaar!

Bazaar! Bazaar!

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